Core Within YOU Challenge 2022
Date and Time
Friday Feb 11, 2022
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM EST
Friday, February 11, 2022 at 8am-8pm.
Public: Anyone on or off Facebook
The entry fee is $50.00 and is due at entry. No Refunds will be given for any reason.
Core Within YOU Challenge 2022
Rules for the Core Within YOU Challenge
The Yates Community Center Core Within YOU Challenge is offering you a chance to win $500.00 in cash.
This contest is open to anyone age 18 and up.
The entry fee is $50.00 and is due at entry. No Refunds will be given for any reason.
All participants must complete the registration/waiver form and return it no later than Friday, January 7, 2022.
The Yates Community Center Core Within YOU Challenge contest starts on Friday, January 7, 2022, and ends on the final weigh-in day, Friday, April 8, 2022.
Each participant must weigh in once a month between 8 am-8 pm on the following dates:
1st weigh-in January 7, 2022, 2nd weigh-in February 11, 2022, 3rd weigh-in March 11, 2022, and Final weigh-in April 8, 2022.
All weigh-ins are mandatory for participants to win the Grand prize.
I agree and acknowledge that I have not had any form of gastric bypass/sleeve surgery within the last year or any other medical issues, conditions, or surgeries that I have been instructed by a physician that would not permit me from participating in a weight loss program. _____________/__________ (initial and date)
Winner: The competition results are based on the percentage of body weight lost.
The Yates Community Center reserves the right to make any changes required because a prize is unavailable and will exchange that prize for another prize of equal or greater value.
The Yates Community Center reserves the right to disqualify any participant for not following the rules.
I agree that I am at least 18 years or older, _________________/__________. (Initial and date)
Before and After photos will be taken at the first and last weigh-ins. These pictures will be posted at the end of the challenge and used for future promotions for the Yates Community Center.