FLX Local Media
Office is open 9-5:00 Monday through Friday
Driving Directions:
From Thruway..14S to west on North Street, south on Pre Emption Rd. to Lenox Rd on the right just before Rts. 5 & 20.
About Us
Finger Lakes Radio group is the primary source for local news and entertainment in the Finger Lakes. Comprised of seven radio stations airing on 13 AM and FM signals we provide a wide variety of news and music formats targeting different people. However, it is our focus on being “hyper-local” that makes us different. Our Marketing department specializes in Digital Media (SEO, Website Build and much more), Event Marketing and Broadcast Messaging to help local businesses grow. Get your local information and entertainment from any one of our radio stations or at FingerLakesDailyNews.com.